该法要求保险公司或其他人与保健服务提供者之间sbobet篮球提供保健服务的合同包括一项条款,禁止仅基于保健服务提供者提供的下列行为, or assistance in the provision of, reproductive health care or gender-affirming health-care services (legally protected health-care activity) in this state, so long as the care provided did not violate Colorado law:

  • A medical malpractice insurer from refusing to issue, canceling or terminating, 拒绝续签, or imposing any sanctions, 罚款, 处罚, or rate increases for a medical malpractice policy (section 2);
  • A health insurer from taking an adverse action against a health-care provider, including refusing to pay for a provided health-care service (section 3);
  • A health insurer from refusing to credential a physician as a network provider or terminating a physician's status as a network provider (section 4); or

A person or entity from terminating a health-care contract with a health-care provider, 除非该人或实体是宗教组织,且受法律保护的保健活动与该宗教组织的真正宗教信仰和习俗相冲突(第25条)。.

Section 5 of the act protects an individual applying for licensure, 认证, or registration in a health-care-related profession or occupation in Colorado (applicant), as well as a health-care professional currently licensed, 认证, or registered in Colorado (licensee), from having the license, 认证, or registration denied or discipline imposed against the licensee based solely on:

  • The applicant's or licensee's provision of, or assistance in the provision of, a legally protected health-care activity in this state or another state or United States territory, so long as the care provided was consistent with generally accepted standards of practice under Colorado law and did not otherwise violate Colorado law;
  • A civil or criminal judgment or a professional disciplinary action arising from the provision of, or assistance in the provision of, a legally protected health-care activity in this state or another state or United States territory, so long as the care provided was consistent with generally accepted standards of practice under Colorado law and did not otherwise violate Colorado law;
  • The applicant's or licensee's own personal effort to seek or engage in a legally protected health-care activity; or
  • 申请人或被许可人因在本州或另一州或美国领土从事受法律保护的个人保健活动而受到民事或刑事判决.

Section 6 of the act prohibits a court, 审判人员, 法院的员工, 或律师不得就在另一州涉及参加科罗拉多州受法律保护的保健活动的个人或表演的个人的诉讼发出传票, 次助攻, or aids in the performance of a legally protected health-care activity in Colorado.


If a medical malpractice action is brought in this state against a health-care provider regulated in this state or another state, 该法第8条禁止法院或仲裁员在本州或另一州允许与专业纪律或刑事或民事指控有关的证据或证人证词, or assistance in the provision of, a legally protected health-care activity, so long as the care provided did not violate Colorado law.

该法第9条禁止治安官员故意逮捕或参与逮捕从事受法律保护的保健活动的任何人, unless the acts forming the basis for the arrest constitute a criminal offense in Colorado or violate Colorado law.


Section 11 of the act prohibits a judge from issuing a summons in a case when a prosecution is pending, or when a grand jury investigation has started or is about to start, 因刑事违反另一州的法律,涉及提供或接受或协助获得在科罗拉多州合法的受法律保护的保健活动, unless the acts forming the basis of the prosecution or investigation would also constitute a criminal offense in Colorado.

Section 12 of the act prohibits the issuance of an ex parte order for wiretapping or eavesdropping to obtain any wire, 口服, or electronic communication that relates to an investigation into a legally protected health-care activity.

现行法律允许引渡在该州实施故意导致其行政当局提出要求的国家犯罪的行为的人, even though the accused was not in the demanding state at the time of the commission of the crime. 该法第13条规定,寻求引渡的行为如果发生在本州,应受到本州法律的惩罚,并禁止州长交出在另一州受到指控的人,因为此人从事受法律保护的保健活动, 除非请求国的行政当局以书面形式指称,被告在犯下所指控的罪行时身在请求国境内.

Section 14 of the act requires a correctional facility or private contract prison incarcerating a person who is capable of pregnancy to, regardless of the person's ability to pay, ensure access to abortions by providing a pregnant person with information about abortion providers; referrals to community-based providers of abortions; referrals to community-based organizations that help people pay for abortions; and transportation to access an abortion; and ensure access to miscarriage management, 包括药物治疗.



Section 17 through section 20 of the act adds a protected health-care worker to the list of persons authorized to participate in the address confidentiality program.

Section 21 of the act authorizes the attorney general to independently initiate and bring a civil and criminal action to enforce the "Reproductive Health Equity Act".


Section 23 of the act prohibits a public entity from:

  • Restricting any natural or legal person in performing, or prohibit any natural or legal person from providing, reproductive health care through the imposition of licensing, 允许, 认证, or similar legislative or regulatory requirements that apply solely to providers of reproductive health care; or
  • Prosecuting or otherwise criminally sanctioning any natural or legal person for providing, assisting in the provision of, 安排, or otherwise assisting a person in accessing reproductive health care performed within the scope of applicable professional licensure and 认证 requirements.

Section 24 of the act states the venue to enforce an action to under the provisions of the "Reproductive Health Equity Act" is in the Denver district court.



J. 冈萨雷斯,年代. 贾克斯·刘易斯,m.s. Froelich B. Titone






